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This is a must visited destination in Colombo. Colombo which is the capital city of Sri Lanka is great and it is the financial and the administrative hub of the country. As a result of these, transporting from locations to locations that are located in this city is easier than travelling within any other location in the country. So it is very easy for anybody to reach Colombo Museum if you have reached Colombo city.

National Museum of Colombo is known as the most important Museum with most of the significant old artefacts which are very valuable in terms of historical significance. Colombo museum is the largest museum we find here in Srilanka. This is maintained by Department of National Museum which belongs to the central government of the country. The throne and the crown of the Kandyan monarchies are the most significant exhibits it has. The exhibits we can see here are very valuable and none of the other museums has exhibits that are valuable like the exhibits Colombo museum has.

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