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Nilaveli is one of the beautiful natural beaches in Sri Lanka which can be seen lots of foreigners. This is located in Trincomalee district in Sri Lanka. Pearl sands and breath-taking coastlines are physical proof of serenity on the beach. 

Nilaveli has an exclusive view of Pigeon Island; One of the two marine national parks of the region is 1 km off the coast of Nilaveli. Nilaveli’s rich biodiversity ha corals, reefs and vegetation. Resort town includes lots of Hotels, restaurants specially made for tourist, Boat rides, cycling with well-trained lifeguards. Protected and an amazing beach to spend your evening time with fresh air. 

Do not spend your whole trip in Nilaveli make sure to visit Ella as well in the hill country. One of Sri Lanka’s most specific tourist attraction places is the Nine Arch Bridge in the wonderful mountain town of Ella. This viewing platform offers spectacular panoramas of the surrounding region of verdant greenery and tea fields. Tourists are able to watch trains roll over the bridge as they make their way along the Demodara Loop. Built in the first phase of the railway expansion in Sri Lanka, the bridge is mainly remarkable since engineers have used cement, stone and brick, without the using steel to build this. Trains to Ella will be starting from Colombo and also from Kandy. It’s one of the coldest areas in Sri Lanka. 

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