This is one of the best palaces in the ancient time with marvellous woody designs converted into a Buddhist Temple. Most of the Sri Lankan famous palaces were built by their ancient king’s thousands of years ago but those still exist with the same condition due to the quality of the workers.
Sigiriya is an amazing rock fortress located in a central province near to Dambulla city. Sigiriya has lots of world-famous ancient images and murals. It is also considered as one of the seven world heritage sites listed by UNO.
According to the ancient Sri Lankan chronicle the Culavamsa this was selected by King Kashyapa as the most suitable place to build his palace. And he has built a palace on top of the rock with wonderful decorations. Still, people are doing researches to find out the unbelievable technology that King Kashyapa has used to take water to the top of the rock. Height of the cliff is 370 meters above sea level.
This was located in a beautiful environment which bites far from the main city. On your walk towards the rock, you will be able to find huge trees and large numbers of ponds with wonderful stones also on a small highland about middle up the side of this rock king built an entrance in the form of a giant lion. The gardens made inside the city identified as one of the oldest landscaped gardens in the world. This is a popular tourist destination in tourism in Sri Lanka which is loved to watch. If could see in Google Map both of the above places are located in the central province but Sri Lanka has some more beautiful areas to watch out of central province too.